An HFF Rendition of: The Night Before Christmas

Every holiday season, we send out our rendition of “The Night Before Christmas”.

This message is not your traditional holiday email; it is reflective of the fear, frustration and uncertainty that come from experiencing homelessness.

However, is also reflective of the power and possibilities that come from joining HFF in the mission to end family homelessness.

So in between meals, laughs and conversations with your loved ones this holiday season, please take a moment to remember the strength, resiliency and wisdom of the families who are fighting everyday so that every child has a place to call home– even if they don’t have one for themselves.

While every family may not have a home for the holidays, HFF works to make it so that there is hope for the holidays- and every day.

Twas a Night During the Homelessness Crisis

By Homes for Families

‘Twas a night during the crisis, when all across the state,
Homeless children and their parents pondered of their fate.
Their belongings tossed into trash bags with haste,
Hoping their application for shelter would not be a waste.

Families panicked and packed in a DHCD waiting room,
Wishing they’d be approved for shelter, and soon.
Denied again with no place to go, the entire family in fright,
wondering how they could survive through the night.

Tucked in for sleep in their car’s backseat, there arose a clatter,
A mother sprang up in her seat to see what was the matter.
Her face pressed up against the window in a flash,
Squinting her eyes to look past the trash.

The parking lot lights shined down on the new-fallen snow
If they can’t stay here, where else could they go?
When, what to her wondering eyes should appear,
But semi-trucks, police cars, strangers’ faces striking fear.

She tucked her children back in, ever so quick,
Not wanting them to awake and be scared sick.
Tossing and turning, the family tried to sleep,
Dreaming of a home they could one day keep.

“Now, Housing Application! Now, Job Search! Now, Paperwork!
Proof of homelessness for the front desk clerk
A child on the street!  Another away from her best friend!
Now dash away, Nightmare! When will this all end??”

Homes for Families is here to help families to advocate,
giving them an opportunity to control their fate.
So, up to the State House, homeless families will go.
Is it acceptable for children to be homeless? We say, “NO!”

When policy makers hear from the family voice,
the reasoning and experience leaves no choice.
It is housing that will turn the crisis around;
with stable homes, better futures for these children will be found

Christmas, 2014. Over 4,500 families in Massachusetts, without a home.
On the streets, motels and in shelters, homeless families will roam.
Carrying only the clothes that they wear on their back,
and only the items that they can fit in their pack.

So, while for most of us, the holidays are merry,
for others, it can be very scary!
While one mother puts a gift under the tree,
another fears for her safety and will flee.

Without holiday gifts the children will pout,
and without a stove, the family eats take out.
The child needs food for his little belly.
Christmas dinner should be more than bread and jelly!

With your help, we will continue to organize,
and the movement to end homelessness will energize!

Working with shelters from all across the state,
knowing how important it is to educate

So, as you sip your eggnog,
check out our blog.
Visit our website; like us on Facebook.
The leadership of families and providers cannot be shook!
Consider making a donation,
and your gift will be received with much appreciation.

Against Homelessness, we will continue to fight

“Happy Holidays to all, and to all a good night!”

Please consider contributing to our efforts by making a monetary donation.

Donations can be made by on line by clicking here


checks can be mailed to:

Homes for Families

14 Beacon Street, Suite 615

Boston, MA 02108

Thanks for all YOU are doing to make sure there is hope for the holidays.