Happy Mother’s Day from HFF

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At Homes for Families, we see the statures of mothers reach the sky…and beyond. We see mothers who sacrifice, overcome extraordinary odds, and humble themselves to keep their children safe and thriving.

On this Mother’s Day, we honor and thank the following women who have given us extra hope and inspiration and we continue to fight against family homelessness.

  • The mother of a toddler and a teenager, who spoke on the importance of housing before legislators and is now employed as a pharmaceutical technician working to rebuild her family from the ground up, and advocating to end homelessness;.
  • The mother of three who works as a home health aide, taking care of not only the needs of her own family, but the needs of other families- all while raising her voice and awareness around domestic violence;
  • The mother of a toddler who is graduating in June with a 3.9 GPA, taking her final steps towards her major dream to work at a major hospital;
  • The mothers who boarded one of two buses heading from Western MA to Visioning Day in Worcester;
  • The mothers on our Consumer Advocacy Team and Board of Directors who help to plan, facilitate, execute, and evaluate everything Homes for Families does;
  • The mothers who trekked through snow with determination and strollers to our MRVP Cookie Day, the mothers balancing full time jobs and full time classes to provide the best for her children, the mothers who continue to instill routine and normalcy despite being bounced from shelter to shelter; and the hundreds of mothers who interact with us every year through meetings at shelters, trainings in community rooms, conversations on the phone, and last minute practice sessions at coffee shops, pizza places, and our office.

This Mother’s Day, we ask that you honor an inspirational woman in your life by donating to Homes for Families so we can continue to harness the strength of these amazing women as we work together to finally put an end to family homelessness.

A letter will be sent to the women you honor so they can see how big of an impact they have made in your life.

Your support is more than a donation. It is a message of hope, support, and encouragement to the mothers across Massachusetts working to keep their families happy, healthy, and housed. 

Thank you for all you do to support families in Massachusetts.

Happy Mother’s Day! 

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